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  • 2021-07-28 22-59-38.mp4
  • 2021-07-29 00-01-04.mp4



I'm back from vacation. I have continued to add more features to v0.9 to get it up to speed. One big part that is now complete is giving commands.

Back in v0.8, multiple characters required some way of controlling specific characters. At the time it was done by a hold mouse to select and then telling them what to do. For example telling a single character to use the reception desk would be: Hold to select -> click on the reception desk. This worked but the problem was that it wasn't as easy to use and required too much patience needing to select the character every time. In comes the new and improved way of selecting things.

In v0.9, selecting characters to do something is now done with intelligent physics ray casts. This means that things like "follow me" will only apply to characters that are within a certain line of sight, meaning the character selection is automatic. However there may still be a need to have more granular control over characters, especially when doing things like cooking. So specific actions can now be handed out with the hold mouse to select, but this time it's far more user friendly. First off it looks and feels way more intuitive:

I also extended the logic to know when you can pickup objects as a player:

With this system you can now specify a character to cook a particular item (or any that you mod in). Simply hold to select and when you release your mouse it will display items that they can cook.

Previously this was not possible because telling the character to use the kitchen meant that they will only make a pastry. Now you can tell them to cook as many things as you want.

Now I will be improving some internal things to get things working properly. I have started to see a lot more engagement with the mod tools and I'm excited to see what you guys will do once this is released publicly. However  there does need to be a couple more betas to properly stress test before release (also to add more missing features). The next devpost will be showcasing the return of onsen behaviors.

Stay tuned!




Are Patreon images broken today or something? I uploaded the images as videos just for today as a replacement.


Well for me they never never seem to play, it’s always just a still image. Maybe it’s a mobile thing.


when Stonks go to the moon definitely going to support you with more captial, love the work your doing I am looking forward to the future of this project and its progress