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Beta is ready but there was a last minute bug that I just need to fix and is preventing me from releasing. I apologize for the flakyness but these sorts of things happen. This should be the 2nd and last beta release extension. However I decided to show off what I have implemented and fixed so far. Will also serve as a tutorial on what to do once I release it:

To start, lantern behaviors are back and you can tell characters to pick them up. They are custom items with logic that turn on if you click your mouse, just like v0.8:

I made Kokkoro just to show off these returning behaviors. Beds work properly and will trigger when nighttime falls. You can speed up and change the day time cycle using the new Time button in the TAB menu:

Once they sleep, they will awake when daylight comes. While they are knocked out you can actually drag their bodies around in VR until they wake up just to mess with them.

The onsen is about 80% as functional as v0.8 which is very good in terms of progress:

As everyone understands (and I have to keep writing to let new people know), v0.9 features MOD SUPPORT which required an almost complete rewrite of the Viva engine. So many of the things you may have experienced in v0.75 or v0.8 are slowly reappearing in this new improved revision.

Also, I have decided to announce the next FULL public release of v0.9 on August 31st. This will be when I feel confident it is in a stable position to be given to the internet and let them play with the mod tools instead of just Supporters for now.

Stay tuned!
