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Now that all the tools are ready; custom characters, scripts, and behaviors, I am going to go on a frenzy adding back in older behaviors into the characters. Characters in the next beta will include built in behaviors that come pre-packaged with the behaviors from the older versions of Viva. Of course the difference is that it is now moddable and supports full body character customizations (big difference).

Anyways the past few days I finished adding back in the fall over and stand up logic.

Of course characters can get up from 4 different body states: Facing down, facing left or right, or facing up.

One interesting thing is that I stress tested the number of characters in a scene. I was able to push to 35 active characters before my framerate dropped to 60fps. Additionally, this test was done inside the Unity Editor so once the game is compiled, it should run much faster and allow for even more characters (Bottleneck was CPU).

This is a huge increase from the older Viva versions capping out at roughly 20 characters before framerate was unplayable. This is really good news, the engine for this game is now much faster!

I have seen the community start to fiddle with the scripting system and making their own mods but there hasn't yet been anything noteworthy. Time will tell.

The short term plan (1~2 months) for now is this:

  • Bring back sleeping
  • Bring back handholding
  • Bring back hugging
  • Bring back cooking
  • Bring back gestures
  • Bring back a smaller version of the old Viva map (Just to replace the orange and grey testing environment)

I will then release v0.9 for free to let the PUBLIC community start messing with the mod tools of the game. Afterwards, the long term plan (will start in 2~4 months) is:

  • Implement the first version of multiplayer networking
  • Implement any remaining older behaviors
  • Implement custom maps

So far bringing back behaviors feels much easier than before. A big help is that I already have all the animations so I just need to import them through the runtime mod tools and write a mod script for them.

Stay tuned!




That one part gave me an idea... Can we eventually get a cannon to launch characters around? For science of course...


If you do end up adding multiplayer, it would be cool to be able to play as a loli ourself.


At this point people will have to mod that in themselves. But I'd be happy to help whoever tries