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Good news! The community has started to get their feet wet with the new modding tools! It is certainly miles easier than it was in v0.8 to port over new characters. Here are some of the new models people have recently uploaded:

At the moment the only mods I've seen are character mods. It will probably take a bit more for actual gameplay mods to start coming in as people do need time to get used to the new tools. If you are interested in making characters or discussing the tools. Visit the Discord .

The VR settings have been complete and allow you to switch hands in case you want to move with your right and turn with your left or vice versa. Also, you can calibrate the length of your virtual arms to that of the character using the Calibrate Arms button:

There have been several quality of life improvements added to the game for both VR and keyboard mode. To start, you can now JUMP. Yes, it was requested for a long time and it finally has a use case. Pressing Space will make your character do a small jump:

For now you can also toggle Q to turn into a ragdoll. Purely for entertainment purposes.

You can also jump in VR mode as well:

The VR rig now has a nice crouch animation based on how low your head is. This greatly improves the look of the character as it matches your body way more realistically:

Your spine bones are still physics bones so if you crouch in VR, you can push physics things with your butt.

I will be releasing this as part of Build #3 in the next devpost. Probably this weekend. There is also a slight map change that will allow you to parkour a bit to get used to the VR controls. Also there are sliding beds to slide down hills. Character behaviors will resume after the release.

Stay tuned!




Finally! I’ll be able to live my dream of being chased by a horde of Shreks!