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I've done so much work in the past few days it's crazy. I do have some headpat stuff to show! Let's run through first what I did to the player.

As I said earlier there is a new player character controller for ragdoll physics. The controller now properly handles steep terrain and allows the user to run up walls a bit if they go fast enough.

Another thing is the new runtime animation system supports animation layer mixing so you can combine multiple animations onto the same model. This was necessary to make the signature Viva grabby hands:

Now you can walk around with your arms out like a zombie and touch stuff like the older versions. Or maybe just make a zombie army.

Also, I ported over all 350 animations from the older Viva versions so I can use all the existing animations into the modding platform:

Here's the run animation being tested on a Chino AI:

Additionally I ported over inverse kinematics and integrated it into the physics and mod tools so mods can now make use of dynamic interactions:

IK is used heavily for behaviors such as headpatting. Speaking of, I finally got to the point where I can start copy pasting code to update the headpat behaviors. Here is an early test:

Eventually I will replace the player model with a higher quality player model but this one makes it easier to test stuff out. I am currently smoothing out the jankiness. Once again this is a MOD I made using the new tools. It's not a built-in feature of the game like a regular game! It's fully customizable and moddable. It's all part of the upcoming viva mod support version. So far this headpat mod is like 20 easy lines of code but I am doing the abstraction and the heavy lifting for you behind the scenes.

I've never done mod support for a game but it seems to be fairly harder. I am basically remaking my entire game into a new mini-engine I made within Unity. The good thing though is that I know exactly what to do and it won't take long to port things over as if I was making it from scratch. Speaking of more mod stuff, we are going to be launching a website that will feature documentation very soon! This will be helpful for people wanting to understand the scripts and functions to mod the game. It's note quite ready yet but it is very promising.

Another thing I've noticed is that so far everything is blazing fast. In v0.8 you could only spawn maybe 15 lolis before your framerate started to really suffer. I'm guessing somewhere around 20-25 is now possible.

Oh also I am gearing up for another beta pre-release. My goal is to have more beta releases to give the community the new functions that I re-create as I port over existing behaviors. I'm gonna shoot for next month. Really promising stuff. I'm proud of how far I've gotten.

Stay tuned!




i remember there was a site on here that told me how to fix the hands stuck on ground bug could i have it please cause i still cant play the game


Player character controller looks like something from Overgrowth procedural animation GDC video from a long time ago, which is still impressive now. They used some sort of hybrid controller. Capsule method for gameplay reasons of responsive character control and ragdolls for fiighting collisions and stuff, if I'm remembering correctly. Oh, and some whacky blending between interpolated 2/3/4 framed 'animations' and IK. Makes me wonder - what's the posibility of you posting a more indepth, sort of gdc-like-articles about development when things (maybe) get less busy? Technical stuff, problems (and solutions) or parts of project you find interesting, funny or maybe infuriating. Code snippets. So, basically, mostly problem-solving and partially programming wisdom you've gained in the process the digest.


I've done some heavy technical posts before. I can do some more soon if you'd like. I've done 2 so far they are just buried in my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/tech-research-31048676 https://www.patreon.com/posts/tech-research-of-24229440