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First a word on the release of v0.8:

SteamVR has caused many issues throughout the development of the game. COVID has imposed an injunction on the development between Steam and Unity making both APIs have difficulty communicating with each other. If you are having issues with your hands in VR, do note that it is not just you but that it is random and there are users who CAN and also CANT press buttons or track their hands. Please try to use the latest SteamVR BETA drivers by going into your SteamVR launch settings in steam and opting in to the Beta. Also make sure you bind your controls and then save. Restart your SteamVR if you have to.

There will be another patch this Sunday that will fix and bring back a couple more behaviors back into the game.

Now for the next installment of the game, v0.9! This next version is going to be a big change in the way that the game will work.

First, the name of the game will just be "Viva", removing the "project" that follows it. 

Secondly, in an effort to speed up development (one man modeling, texturing, animating, etc.), there will be mod support. This means that instead of me making and maintaining every single feature, the community will instead go wild and create the behaviors and actions. I will provide the tooling, scripting API, and model importing. Everything will be modded at runtime. No need to install Unity. I have already experimented with how we will accomplish this and I have made good strides on runtime model importing. Essentially I am replacing viva cards, in favor of having a more generic .fbx importer. This will make importing custom characters 1000 times easier. At the moment I am working on the runtime .fbx importer. There is plenty to do but I am about halfway done:

Thirdly, the game will have multiplayer to speed up community mod development. So you will be able to mod a loli or build a level while also working with someone else at the same time. A tip of the hat of the old Gmod days. This part of the version update is still in its infancy but there are plenty of easy third party libraries to use for Unity.

Fourthly this will be a half ground up rework to fully accommodate the new paradigms: physics and multiple characters. This version of the game will be built using a more recent version of Unity with support for way better looking graphics.

This is when the gloves come off.

Stay tuned!




This is very exciting news! Depending on how robust the modding and scripting systems are I could see Viva evolving beyond a novelty and becoming a genuine timesink.


heck yeah I'm excited, hope everything goes well Just bought A VR headset and went straight to supporting you.


Love to see that the engine gets updated and modding will be now possible with the future build. But I have a question, does this mean we'd be able to also mod in some onee-san? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


You already know someone is gonna make lewd mods