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The poll results are in and the game will have a Japanese Poolhouse in v0.8!

I will start this feature after I finish hashing out some VR issues and the town market's merchant lolis.

Also, the latest version of Unity in which the project was migrated to has killed the VR input system that it was relying on for tracking and button management. As a result I spent today migrating and trying to fix the VR system. What this means is the following:

1.) Game will no longer require SteamVR Input for managing button mappings

2.) Game will now ship with the button configurations for all VR headsets

3.) Game is now using extremely unstable cutting edge SteamVR Libraries for Unity

Because VR is still very early in the scope of APIs and development tools, Unity and Valve has struggled to come up with a 1-size fits all solution for all VR headsets. It was very difficult getting VR mapping to work in older Viva Project versions and it still is today. The code that I need to use changes so quickly and largely unstable. Beta v0.8c was supposed to release yesterday but due to the mentioned issues I spent the day today Googling and trying to fix random crashes to no avail. Mouse and Keyboard works just fine and so do VR buttons. The problem is that the game crashes 90% of the time for no reason. I am looking into WHY but my guess at this point is that Valve still hasn't finished the new SteamVR Libraries for Unity.

Regardless, I'm pushing out the mouse and keyboard version tomorrow. The VR version will need at least 1~4 more days.

Stay tuned.




I'm curious to see how you'll integrate a Japanese bathhouse into a Mexican-influenced venue.