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I was supposed to upload this blog last night but I needed the extra few hours to tend to some life things.

Anyways I am still programming the logic for the loli's employment. The past few days have specifically focused on interactions with other characters. Lolis can now have "social links" which is just a basic way of keeping track who they have interacted with recently. This is useful for telling when the characters should greet the other. Like so:

As you can see lolis will now greet each other after not seeing themselves for a while (choppy hair and lack of skirt physics was because this was happening far away from the player [performance]). I plan to make new animations for the next devpost that will make it seem like they are conversing. Lots of mmhhs, laughs, and hum sounds will ensue. After 10 seconds or so they will resume walking around town.

Additionally, since players are also characters, they will now greet you if they see you. The cool thing is that social interactions will update as the social circle grows. This means that if you butt into a group of other lolis, they will include you into the group and greet you. Like so:

There were plenty of optimizations that were necessary since the new physics system was still a bit heavy. Occlusion culling was apparently broken for a long time and not working properly so I had to update the entire project to Unity 2019.3. This means that the game should now run significantly faster and have slightly improved physics. This allowed me to optimize and push the graphics a bit:

There are now ivy plants and new foliage props scattered around. I also finished the unfinished parts of the town that will be used for employment. This is the new market:

This is where you will walk in to get fruit and other items. They will be sold by lolis.

The unfinished parts of the town are also now finished:

Now on to animating. The first beta is barely a week away!

Stay tuned!




It´s seems pretty cool. Keep going like this. :D


Loli: (spawns in and falls possibly breaking a rib and both legs) Other loli: (...waves...)