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I got a decent bit done with the hugging. For the showcase today I had to disable some stuff and slow it down for testing purposes but here it is as a WIP:

The hugging was built primarily with VR in mind but also in a way that would work in keyboard mode. How it works is you put your hands behind her from the front and use the grab buttons for both hands. This will make her latch onto you (animation not shown), and begin the hugging behavior.

For keyboard mode, you simply look down to make her hug you. Looking up will distance her from you.

In VR, you'll have to pretend you are hugging something and then move your hands towards your body like if you are pulling a body towards you. This will make her hug you.

I've been designing the hugging in a way that would allow the player to constrain the loli's physics body to the player so it seems like you latch onto her when you hug. So you can sort of walk around while hugging her:

Do notice in the video above that she changes the side her head rests on from left to right. Within the hugging logic, the loli can tell which side is "open" to rest her head on. Meaning if you try to hug her from the right, she'll choose the left side, and vice-versa. Here is the constraints again in keyboard mode:

I'm excited to test it out in VR later today and implement the final animations. I had some more hugging animations but had to disable them for this showcase. It should give her a bit more life and personality.

I have a couple days left to implement hugging before I move on to the next week of improvements which will be the new card minigame as decided by the community poll. I have to do a bit of modeling and lots of animating to create the assets for it. I look forward to it.

Expect a complete showcase of the hugging mechanics next devpost along with the first development previews of the new deck of cards to play games with.

Also I will have another Beta this weekend so Supporters can try out the hugging mechanics. Like I said before, it will be in a complete state for testing.

Stay tuned.




The way she latches on, that's just too cute to handle!


This makes me happy and sad at the same time... :')


Can you do foot movements when she turns on itself like on "VRChat"? Currently these feet remain fixed. If you create a new card game with she. You can make new expressions (when she wins, thinks or loses). I love the progress of the game.