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So I finished bathing improvement mechanics for week 1. This is the showcase of the new mechanics.

The loli can now be splashed by dropping items near her face. When this happens she will splash you back a couple times:

There is a new screen effect as well that will make it seem like you got your face covered in water. If you splash her too much, she will get angry and won't splash you anymore. The cool thing is that she will splash you no matter what position you are in. This was done by having 3 different directional animations and blending between them to find the closest one in your direction.

The water screen effect is also triggered as you exit any water surface.

The poll for week 4 results suggest that you guys want to see more hand games in the game. This has led me to change my workflow for week 2 improvements. Week 2 improvements will focus on headpats but I will be adding things that will benefit the upcoming hand games.

To start, for headpatting, I'd like the loli to be headpat-able when she is sitting down. Thus, I will be making animations for a new "relaxing state" as she is on the floor:

In this state, the loli will be able to do more things, not just play chopsticks. You'll be able to just sit on the floor together and relax, headpat her in this state, or play games. The playing games part will branch off into playing chopsticks OR the new and upcoming hand games. The hand games might actually be a new card based game with a 52-card deck. This will allow me to implement many different types of card games and reuse existing assets. The reason it's a card game and not an actual "hand game" is because I can't think of any other sort of hand game that would be fun to play. Chopsticks works because there is a high enough skill ceiling that it is fun to play often repeatedly. I've received suggestions to add games like "Rock paper scissors" but that's incredibly boring. So my alternative is to implement a card based game that has high replayability. Maybe poker? Go fish? Uno? Leave a comment below to suggest a game!



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