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I started implementing the logic to have the loli ride a horse. In a way I've been teaching her what a horse is.

To start, when you command her to get on the horse, she needs to choose the shortest navigation path that is closest to either side of the horse. The problem is that the horse might be moving or leaning up against a wall. Therefore sometimes the navigation path had to be recalculated to adjust to a changing scenario. Sometimes the location she should mount from is being blocked by a physics object. Demonstration of the new AI:

After I was satisfied with this part of her horseback logic. I made a new asset to show her jumping onto the horse:

As you can see it's still a bit twitchy and I'm not quite done with the logic driving the root transforms. That's why it's glitchy near the end. Nevertheless I will definitely be done in time this weekend for the first v0.7 Beta this upcoming Monday night. It's a struggle teaching lolis to ride horses.

In other news, the canyonscape is doing very well and I have finished making several assets for the cooking/foraging mechanics. There will be lots of wild fruits that the player will be able to pick to use for baking. Specifically the colors of that fruit will mix together to change the color of the filling of a pastry. No hard details on this mechanic yet as I haven't gotten around to it but I thought that would be nice. This will probably be part of the 2nd Beta. The assets:

Wild strawberries:


Wild blueberries:

And some more fruit. I haven't finished cantaloupe yet. They will be randomly scattered in the map for you to find. I'll try my best to include some of the fruits in the first Beta on Monday.

One last consideration for the loli horseback logic is the situation where she is carrying items. Obviously she shouldn't be able to climb the horse while carrying items so I may implement a way for you to help her climb the horse by giving her your hand. Thereby allowing her to get on the horse with at least 1 hand.

Stay tuned.




I love what you're cooking here, great work! :)