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As stated before, Shinobu will wake up with enough poking. I just didn't poke her enough times in the YouTube video. There is a new sleeping mechanic that affects her mood.

If Shinobu has a good night's sleep, she will wake up happy. If you bothered her at night, she will wake up angry. For the wake up animations, they needed to properly blend with the sleeping animations. When she is sleeping, she has 3 states;   SLEEP_PILLOW_UP,  SLEEP_SIDE_PILLOW_LEFT , and  SLEEP_SIDE_PILLOW_RIGHT . That means that there are 3 different body states she could potentially wake up from, meaning I needed 3 wake up animations. Whenever Shinobu is in an idle animation (not moving or doing anything), I implement headpats and poking. This means that for every different idle body state, I need to create unique animations for headpats or poking (e.g. when she's standing, sitting, sleeping, etc.). This can be burdensome. To reduce the number of idle animations for when she wakes up, I made sure that she always faces upwards. Thereby limiting "awake" idle body states to 1.

Visual demonstration. Notice she ends up facing upwards.  SLEEP_PILLOW_UP :


I try to always use mirrored versions of existing animations. So for  SLEEP_SIDE_PILLOW_RIGHT, I just mirrored  SLEEP_SIDE_PILLOW_LEFT. This saves me some work. However, sometimes it is not that easy. You see, the position that Shinobu has her hands on the stomach when she is awake is like so:

This means that I would not able to completely mirror the animation since her hands would not match the other:

So sometimes I do need to reanimate for a different side.

Another benefit of having reduced number of idle body states is not having to animate more for other actions. For example, since she will now be permanently facing up when she wakes up, I only need to animate once her getting up and leaving the bed:

So far we are up 5 animations (they pile up fast!). Since I said that Shinobu can wake up angry, I had to attach a multiplier to the wake up animations (2x). Luckily it's not that bad since it was mostly a facial animation change, so I used the same wake up body animation:

So the final count of new animations is 8. The project now has a whopping 212 animations.

v0.55 is quickly approaching! This will be the last devpost before the full public release this Sunday.

In other news, the voice lines from the 2 new voice actresses have already come in! I might hire 2 MORE depending on how things go soon! So you will potentially have 5 different voices to choose from for character customization. If you want to hear a sample of each of the 2 new voices. Download the attachments below! Stay tuned.



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