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I covered a lot of ground on the interface for loading custom textures. The entire pipeline is nearly complete. The following is a demonstration of how easy it will be to customize clothing:

First you go to the "Create" panel which has simple instructions on what to do:

Since there are for the moment only 3 clothing pieces, 3 customizable base models are displayed. Me and Jelly will be making more models for the v0.5 release day.

After selecting an image with your mouse, you can drag a Windows files from your desktop or anywhere into the game. That's it. The rest is automated for you:

The game will generate a trade able card that comes packed with your custom texture. Another example:

As of right now, some models have not yet been unwrapped for textures so that's why this plaid shirt looks a bit funky when you put your custom texture in. But that will be fixed soon.

I am trying to make the entire process as easy as possible. I have added lots of error catching to ensure you are supplying the right kind of texture. This includes the texture resolution and format. An error in action:

If a user wants to get fancy with a certain custom texture, I will provide a button after selecting a clothing piece that will save out a UV map so you can accurately paint it in Photoshop or whatever painting program you wish, as opposed to a single solid pattern. More on that in the next devpost.

The cards generated in the game are saved to your Deck folder. This folder is where all card PNG images are stored. They are trade able and can be shared on the internet since they are made with my packing algorithm.

(Cards above look like the same image since Windows didn't update the thumbnails when I took a screenshot). I'm excited to see what you guys will make. I have plenty of modeling to do after I finish this interface and each new clothing piece will be fully customizable like the models above. This includes the new and upcoming cat ears.

Stay tuned.



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