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I made some new textures for the chairs, table, and 2 new pots. I'm not much of an artist myself but I do now my way very well around Googling and Photoshop. Occasionally I will make some patterns like the yellow wiggles on the chairs but anything involving textures is usually found online. I am reusing many of the props from my wedding video because they are still very good and I already have the textures for them. Like the cactus:

Of course these are just the raw textures without any shaders but they will come along later when I start putting them into Unity.

As for the water spilling, I think I have reached a good point. I added ray traces so it actually tests the world for places to land on. It also now spawns water splash particles. Video of it can be seen here Video 1. (I slowed down the drain rate for demonstration purposes)

The way the water spilling works is, as the cup spills, every 0.2 seconds a simulated particle is created at the position where the water starts spilling. From here, a chained mesh is created by connecting these particle together. The problem is that when you stop and start spills, these chains become disconnected and so I had to limit the number of active spills to 3 at a time. If you have more than 3 active spills, it will use the first available spill slot. This prevents having infinite spills and mesh vertices. A video of the limit can be seen here Video 2. I think this fake dynamic will be very fun for simulating other objects like bottles of wine, milk, juices, etc. Maybe get around to having Shinobu cook you food.

The next short behavior Im going to implement is pouring water on Shinobu and making her angry. I know this is just more bully material but it's just really fun. Also holding hands will be implemented shortly after which will be used to make her follow you and go places together. I do need to finish the living room first and start the front yard. The current plan is as follows:

1.) Model and texture new living room props

2.) Start front yard and world texturing

3.) Implement pouring water on Shinobu

4.) Implement hand-holding

Shortly after 2.) or 3.), I will release the first pre-release beta. The v0.3 demo date is still yet to be announced, need to look at my Christmas plans. Stay Tuned.

Lastly, I made a walkthrough video so it is easier to see how to complete everything in the checklist. Here. 



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