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One new behavior is support for animation variety. I spent some time animating and setting up the framework. Essentially this will allow random alternative animations to play for certain animations. So for idling she now crosses her arms and just sort of hangs around once in a while. Makes her a little bit more alive. Another new behavior is in its early stages but she now tries to look at objects with the highest amount of interest near her. This means that rotating or fast moving objects will be of higher interest than static non-moving objects despite being able to look at both. So she may be looking at you but will occasionally look at your hands if you move them towards her. She will also cycle through all objects as well. Video 1 demonstrates both new behaviors. 

Various bugfixing included fixing her animation system firing OnAnimationChange repeatedly on the same animation, fixing an accidental line of code in the wrong scope, and tweaking a few variables. Her logic is pretty darn solid and I've never had to deal with null errors outside of debugging.

I spent some time cleaning up random aspects of her logic and shaders in preparation for the demo. Her skin no longer receives a white outline when in shadow and tweaked her eyelashes to be a tad thicker. One thing I noticed is that her eyelashes look thinner from far away since the mipmaps generated bleed surrounding brighter colors onto the eyelash texture. This is problematic and I will address it soon. Mipmaps are good for performance and I don't want to have to get rid of them. I'm also planning to redo her eyes entirely in the near future after the demo. I'm still not satisfied with them.



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