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Video above shows the summary, text below shows the technical!

This week:

  • ChatGPT Integration

  • Proxy Server Patreon Service

  • Facial animations

I still have a stupid smile on my face from the crazy AI implementation.

ChatGPT Integration

The way it works is quiet simple but the implementation is a bit tricky: The world provides context to your chat bot in the form of descriptions. Whenever something happens, your robot is informed: door gets opened, robot falls, etc. The more descriptive you are, the better the robot "understands" the current state of the game, but the harder it is to code! I am providing the chat bot a quite granular view of the world (grabbed, dropped, hit, wall/floor), the only problem with this method is reaching max tokens faster but we have LOTS of event memory to play with!

In the future I would imagine I can integrate OpenAI visual image processing so the robot can LITERALLY see the world, but today it is prohibitively expensive to do for my small patreon game.

Proxy Server Patreon Service

This part of the game was mostly backend server work to setup a service that users like yourself can connect to. It authenticates patrons and makes sure that your OpenAI usage does not go over your monthly allowance. Things have gotten much cheaper and faster since the VivaAI days but regardless, I am paying out of my pocket to upkeep the whole thing.

Facial animations

I did a tiny bit of work to animate her lips whenever she spoke words. She does accurately express vowels with the correct vowel shape key. But I'll be making sure she animates her face much more in the coming days.

Super awesome stuff I've had the privilege to work on so far. I expect to release this in a build for Patrons sometime in the coming month.

Stay tuned!



Are they or will they be able to make actions from the chat module? For example, could I one day potentially ask her to grapple a nearby object instead of selecting the object manually?