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Hello. I think this is time to address this .zip file situation.

This is a legacy system I've been using for past 3 years.

It was because I did not post anything on Patreon back then, and to avoid piracy.

However I think this is causing an inconvenience for everyone as people who pirate will find a way anyways.

.zip files will only remain on tier 3 for PSD files.

High res images will be POSTED, and no longer will be sent out at the end of the month.

Now you can use them as your wallpaper or save them in real time :)

Please let me know if you do not like this change, if most of you guys prefer .zip files then there is no reason to make this change.

Thank you!



I'm fine with this change, just glad to be supporting you.


I do prefer receiving a pm at the end of the month as i support multiple artists and it can be a maze to balance it all, but it s not a deal breaker, just takes more work on my part to keep up to date with your work and make sure i don't miss out