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Available early February for all patrons.




Ah, Kaidan. I like how you still animate a lot of guys that the internet's kind of forgotten about in the past few years. Have you ever found an Ellis model you can use?


I never played L4D so I'm not really that much into the character. I like to get to know them before making art of them.


Not really into this character, tho I don't know what his romance looks like (just watched a let's play, didn't play by myself). But anyway, maybe the uncensored version will change my mind on him :p Thank you :)


This is a pleasant surprise. I still watch your Kaidan/Shepard animations. 🔥🔥 I missed out on their romance arc because I started with ME2, but the idea of them together always turned me on.


I'm actually replaying the games atm, so everything ME is more than welcome 😍


I don't know why I didn't receive my bonus this month. Please confirm it!


Hi, what do you mean? I checked the messages sent to you and I sent January's rewards to you yesterday :)


But ALL I got was a "Thanks for subscribing."ಥ_ಥ,I even checked the spam section。Can you send the same message again? Thank you very much!