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Rules are rules, they exist for a reason, don't break them.
Our discord server has rules, you can read them there. If someone is bothering you messaging you, you can block them, but if you show me what's going on I can ban them too. It doesn't matter if you are a ultra high tier patron.

DON'T DISTURB OTHER PEOPLE ON DISCORD. If they know you, that's fine, but I believe no one wants to get messages from any topic in private messages coming from a stranger of any discord server.

I never had to resort to private messaging to build my page, so if you want to promote something I advise you to make a better product and people will come. It's not easy, but it's simple.


Second thing, I've been getting a megaton of suggestions, I appreciate your enthusiasm, people are even sending me private messages asking if I can do this or that. It's unethical to make a character for someone just because they asked me to while many others are asking. However I can make something that I think it's a great idea.

Paying for the right to have a character posted is totally different. I have a tier for that and it's limited for an obvious reason. Even that, I usually ask people to give me more options because sometimes the option isn't viable.


I'm even more happy for content suggestions, not character suggestions. Last time I asked a lot of people ignored what I was saying. So it's really bad for me to keep track of these stuff. I know some people did right, but still...

When asking me for a character, try to wear my shoes and think how would that work for me. Of course it's difficult if you don't know how I'm making things, but it's not that I don't want to make every character you ask. Of course some I don't want to. However I can't be making only what people ask me, specially because most of the time there are 2 types of people. The ones who ask me for unknown or old or forgotten (or all three options) characters and the ones who ask me for a character that I did a few days ago. If you don't fall into these categories you have a better chance to get what you want, might even be lucky that I was already working on your character already (it happens a lot).

Also, don't come asking me like I owe you a request (If I don't owe you one, of course). Use a little bit of persuasion at least. I'm way more inclined to do something for a nice person than an entitled one. Even that, I'm sorry, I'm doing new characters each time, but there are so many anime girls out there that you have to be patient, specially because AI art is going through a lot of changes. Be it in technology, be it in laws or in product sales. People who makes models are starting to spit poor models just to sell faster and people with good models are starting to keep to themselves.

I always try to bring stuff, but I lose a lot of time trying to test the models too. Sometimes I have to flip a coin and decide if I should try to make a character even if the model is half bad.

Also, for the 'extremely good quality' content, I need more time for these and they will be here and there. But pulling off 4 girls each day is more work than what I did in October with the Halloween Pack.



Mr Ericsan

humm I must have missed something, I know we talk about reward throughout the month vs monthly pack. But where is that 4 girls a day come from? That's sounds like a lots honestly.

Mr Ericsan

Personally I prefer the 'extremely good quality' vs quantity.


I don't know if I got it right "where is that 4 girls a day come from?" You mean you are not seeing me post 4 girls everyday?


I had some discussions about this before and also a poll. It's difficult, for many people the quality of what I already do is enough if I can keep making many girls like this. Sometimes I'm able to make a post that I worked many hours, but it's at the cost of saving some time with other posts. I am pretty sure if I drop posting daily people will start leaving. However maybe I could pull 1 very good post each day, the problem is that some characters will never see the light. There is some very popular AI artists that does like this and have very limited character options because of that. Also post way less than me.