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EDIT: Changed a detail in image 7.

Oh damn, today was rough. I managed to squeeze this into the schedule. Preparing all stuff that I'm doing is crazy. However I'll be able to post on Christmas and New Year for you don't worry I got you covered. I know people want to see a lot of different characters. I can bring some different ones mixed in the usual characters like a salad in a sandwich, but I can't go full hipster. Sorry, mainstream is mainstream for a reason. You will always get some "salad" here and there too.

I'm sorry this one is a small set, but I tried both bayonetta 1 and 2 and I was having some problems making them looking decently in 2D. I know there is an anime from Bayonetta, but I didn't train a model.

I hope you are having a great week and that everyone even those who doesn't celebrate Christmas have a great month.

I will try to make something special for the people who celebrate the Chinese New Year later in 2024. However that's too far from my culture, so I will have to do some research before that 😅




Mommy!! 🥰