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You heard (read) me. The winner of JRPG suggestion was Pokémon, so I'll make an extra post just for patrons. (Maybe 3-4 images for twitter if I make too many).

Please comment the girls you want to see in the poll. I don't want a list of all Pokémon characters.

EDIT: Anyone wondering about the other suggestions for games, yes there will be a separate poll for that too.

Keep in mind I'll "ruin" any child by making them adult versions if I can. (Sometimes it's over the top with that). So be smart with what you propose.
Actually for me it's not ruining, I prefer very obvious adult characters instead of dubious ones.

Another thing that makes me really mad is people asking to reduce boobs. It's difficult to control the sizes, every time I say the word 'breast' in prompts it will increase the size a bit. So that requires meticulous tests and changing word, sometimes using photoshop.

There is some other AI Artists that I'm not going to name that make huge boobs everytime, has probably more followers than I do, uses the same style of 'male' characters as I for scenes and doesn't get even half the questioning. So I don't know what I should do about it. For that reason I tend to avoid small breast characters too.




I wanna see Akari ! :3


Shocked I haven't seen it yet but you can't go wrong with Delia Ketchum (Ash's Mom)