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I want to make a poll about the next theme of some of my future posts. I will start doing polls more regularly about my daily posts too so you can influence more on what I'll post next.

Also, please, whenever you speak with me about something really specific, it's better if it's on discord. The reason is that sometimes I send messages to every patron and with message system here is very difficult to find where was the info of something.

I'm planning also to make another kind of event with anyone who wants to join me in an activity. I was thinking of something that I could play and still work at the same time 😅. (I'm sorry, I just want to have some fun, because of the work stress).

If you don't want to play or read anything about this game, go to the end of the post where the options for the poll is, but read the info below about the poll.

For the theme of the upcoming posts. Keep in mind I always need to work on the posts at least 1-2 days before, so there will be a small delay to make the theme happen.

This time I will try to insert the girls in another set OR make from an anime that is based on that theme, ok? So pick the option at the end of the post that you would like to see, think of the animes that can be on that option. I will pick on what I can do from the winner of the theme. We will have multiple polls like this.


Play time:

So one pastime I like to do is to play an anime music guessing game. It's in this website Anime Music Quiz. You can play solo, teams, multiplayer, it even has a co-op roguelike mode. You can play it while working or doing other stuff, because it basically works like this:

After you create your account you will be in a page like this (you can play as guest too, but it's better to have an account).

The way it works is, you can shuffle all animes that you are watching or have already watched. Or you can add some random anime and make a mix. You can also go full random.

But for you to add your anime you must have a list in one of these websites:

I personally prefer MyAnimeList, but any of these will do. You can participate without doing that, but it's more fun when you recognize your anime.

After you make your anime list, you can go in here:

And then a window will pop-up, and you click on the Anime Lists tab and set your username and just click update. If you already have an account like this, then it will be very fast.

After that, you can join a room or create one for yourself. You will be in a lobby like this:

You can see the chat on the right, that way we can communicate without the need of a microphone.

After everything is setup and everyone is ready, we can start. Then you have to guess what is playing and you will have some seconds to guess. The standard way of playing this is by typing. There is an alternative way that is more chill which is multiple choice. (I prefer that one when working, but it's way easier).

It has an auto-search to help you, you can type the name in english or japanese with romanji. (Example: Nanatsu no Taizai = Seven Deadly Sins)

If you guessed right you will get a point for the match and some points of experience that you can use to buy stuff in the store.

It's simpler than it looks.

I will try to create a room tomorrow for people to play with me in multiple timezones. I can do it around Saturday 5 PM (UTC) and another one at 11 PM (UTC). We can still be playing this or doing some other kind of activity in meantime, so hit me up on discord or here if you want to show up in the meantime (discord is easier to see).


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