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Hi. I'm posting my tests with my new LoRA. I'm trying to find the correct epoch to publish.
Would you like me to post more Work In Progress? (This is a test post to see your interests).

My training settings are:

  • Base Model: NAI
  • 10 epochs
  • 4100 steps (410 each epoch)
  • 41 images (repeat is set to 10)
  • DIM network: 128
  • Alpha network: 16
  • Learning rate: 0,0001
  • Txt encoder learning rate: 0,00005
  • Unet learning rate: 0,0001
  • LR Scheduler: constant
  • Optimizer: AdamW8bit
  • Precision: bf16
  • Max Resolution: 576x576

Steps formula = repeat * images * epoch

I'm not using batch size to increase speed because it leads to overcooking sometimes.

I've used WD14 captioning with General Threshold 0,2 and Character Threshold 0,4

I personally prune a lot of tags and adjust them based on my knowledge on what is important to retain a style and keep characteristics without overflowing with useless tags.

Example: lots of blue hair, grey hair, white hair, purple hair... All became purple hair.
The same applies to eye color. Also I did some corrections to style tags. It doesn't need to know it's 1990s_(style) or retro_artstyle. There is some objects too that needs better description. Also selecting the images is based on experience.

A tutorial for style might come soon when I train with specific style.



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