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Do you wonder what is behind the digital curtain that veils other people?

I do, I often try to imagine what is behind each person I talk to, that way I feel like I can have more empathy. I know I'm probably very wrong in most cases, but that helps me remember more people and to treat each differently.

Did you ever wonder what happens behind my veil? I bet some of you did. I appreciate how empathic a lot of you are.

I have made my own promise to offer you daily content no matter what and breaking that promise would make me feel very bad. So you can always count on that, unless there is something physically blocking me from doing that, even then I would try to find a solution to at least give you some explanation.

Why do I do this? Well... I don't want to fail anymore. I feel like I have been through a lot of failures in my life and this is a chance to make things right.

With that said, some hiccups and problems can occur with my sets, sometimes I can make something that you particularly didn't like because of a theme, or style, or character, whatever it may be.

Know that I'm always looking for improvements. But sometimes my life is just the same as yours.

Sometimes important people will pass away. As much as I can deal with the pain, I still have other things to deal with because of that. Yes today that happened.

In other times I may have a health problem, or someone could need my help for something serious.

Other times life will also take away from me without a warning or any chance of having it back. So yes, it's the same as you.

Whenever you feel like acting harshly, think again and tell that person you care about that you love them. At least that was the last thing I said.

What I can ask of you? Nothing, this is just a message. I hope for better days for everyone.

If I don't do what I usually do, be sure that there is something really wrong and it's not laziness. Maybe forgive me for my small mistakes? Thank you.




Having lived through that day time and time again... just know that you were immediately forgiven. Take your time friend. Mourn, grieve, whatever you need to do. Just remember to take care of yourself.


I still see you as an AI machine, not as a human, humans takes a break you know, every body will undestand that and if someone don't understand that well, f*** that man xD


I think that it may be more about my insecurity than a real deal, but I'm sure some people will unsubscribe if I don't work everyday xD