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Sooo. I have some advice for you guys: ALWAYS take out your SD card when transporting your laptop. I know, it should be common sense. Well, it happened to me, and I honestly thought I was going to lose several videos, including two big reactions I’d recorded. BUT, I manage to fix it, so we’re good. THAT WAS A LESSON.

In the next two days, I will be posting the reactions I recorded in December, including the Christmas videos, and then we are starting with fresh content, full speed!

Hope your year started well,

– Gabbsi



Valeria La Rosa

I need to know if one of these videos is the 'hang out with me' you teased some time ago in your post about suchwita 👀👀 anyway, happy new year 💕🥳💜


This happened to me once except a piece of the broken card got stuck in the card reader 😭 I’m glad you didn’t lose any data!!! That’s the most important thing