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Poor Jin and Yoongi were behind again😭 I understand the frustration though (you’ll see why I’m saying this). Jin absolutely won the award for the best gift at the end🤣 AND, he even got to wear hanbok, well, as a punishment, but he’s Kim Seokjin so of course he slayed✨


run 34


sef kan

finally <3

Keisha L

Your questions from the food bingo game were for hints that were based on similar word sounds rather than the food itself: 1) In Korean, sweet potato is "goguma," so Tae did part of the Go Go choreography as a hint. I believe they filmed this during DNA/LY Her promotions, so that choreo would have been at the top of their minds. 2) Melon is the largest music streaming platform in Korea (MMA = Melon Music Awards), so Suga pretending to listen to music was a hint for the food melon. Thanks for the reaction! It's always fun to rewatch this one :-D