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An absolutely golden episode! This challenge produced some of the funniest content yet. Yoongi and Jin as a duo are truly something special🤣 But my favorite part was how much THEY were enjoying it all and cracking up.


run 33


Shreya Salian

The actual run bts starts now.. iconic moments…


Epic… there’s nothing cuter than watching them having so much fun and how hard they all laugh together when stuff like this happens… yoongi, jin and rm all were so funny and precious in this one for me… but amazing as always! You’re really getting into where most runs are pure gold!!! Excited for ya … and I missed the rm and jimin suchwita stream :/ I’m sure you’ll post it here or YouTube…. Hope you get to jungkooks one sooner than later 😂 pure joy and talent with these two.. but every ep is amazing. All different dynamics which is what I enjoy seeing and hearing with them! Please make sure to check out the extra Karaoke clip for jungkooks episode… it’s def peak chaotic but talented JK! Before you know it… September 1 will be here for jungkooks birthday! Hopefully you’ll get to do something for his birthday this year since you didn’t start that until after his birthday last year :/ and then bam September 9 and it’s namjoons birthday can’t wait to see what you choose to do for them if you still do that! Thanks for all the hard work and content, hope you and your fam are doing well and have a great weekend!!! Anfobangfo!