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Some interesting stuff in the deleted scenes😃 And these bonus videos are really starting to feel more and more like BTS’s funny compilation videos you find on YouTube, aren’t they?


rob 9 bonus + deleted


Hannah D

This year, I’m going to Iceland, Paris and Switzerland. Gonna be so broke. Next year I plan to go to Korea with my mom (she’s also a BTS) fan.

Zoé Turcotte

Gabbsi when the part of Namjoon,and Hobi try to take of the post it it a Run BTS episode it the Run BTS in Thailand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66TEXU11laQ&pp=ygUqcnVuIGJ0cyBsaXZlIGluIHRoYWlsYW5kIGZ1bGwgdmVyIGVuZyBzdWIg And the clip of them jamming of What do you mean by Justin Shiter,Justin fucker because he is just a celebrity who he has to be in prison he is was one day but what the people are thinking about releasing him