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Hey, everyone! It feels like an eternity since I last posted, and it doesn't sit well with me. It's like there's this curse that every time I travel, something comes up preventing me from uploading videos as usual. Anyways, TONS of exciting content coming your way in the next few days, I promise!

I’m thinking my favourite episode till now? The ending was wow, amazing. Their words, their tears, their appreciation, Yoongi bowing to his parents…it was all extremely emotional and touching.


rob 9



That scene with RMs collab for fantastic 4 made me think of jungkooks most recent vlive where he said he wanted to rent out a movie theater and watch a movie with army… he said it had to be a secret so the company wouldn’t know… and he shared that secret with the like 9 million ppl who were watching him all over the world 😂 honestly I wouldn’t put it passed him to actually try to do that lol jungkooks Wildin , he’s spontaneous and someone who can be unpredictable … you just never know lol


Travel... I've always wanted to go to Europe and the UK, and now of course, South Korea. I just got back from a family vacation to Disneyland, so I'm busy catching up on all the content!!