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I love seeing the process of them creating the incredible songs of 5SOS5 and especially Michael as the main producer, THE BOSS!


Kylie aka BallisticGal

Wasn't it great! This just seems like more of a natural progression for them in their career to be self-producing as well. What you said is so true - they can keep doing this for ages cos they manage to treat the process of songwriting and making music very seriously but always with a ton of fun. When you mentioned about how you liked the boys recording their vocals like that, it's something they discovered when they did the "Killer Queen" recording. They enjoyed it so much, they also did it on "Red Desert" (from their CALM album) and now again on 5SOS5. The 5SOSFAM have been waiting very patiently for a Part 2 to this but I don't know if or when it's coming......and it wouldn't surprise me if there isn't a Part 2! 😂