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This was sooo fun! There’s one hell of a ride ahed of me, I can tell, and I hope you’ll be with me💜

Also, comment down below your experiences with theme parks hah


bts run 1-5


Zoé Turcotte

Gabbsi if you don’t know but the first episode of Run BTS is posted in August 1 2015 in episode who they go to rides In 2015 and we saw them waiting on the line between a lot of people because they are not so popular than now now if they go ride they do ride park but when the park is closed me to goes to roller coaster me I related to Hobi if I go to roller coaster my expression is the same as Hobi

susan matheson

I don't enjoy the rides because I have bad motion sickness, even if I take medicine before. I spend the whole ride trying not to throw up. I wonder if that is part of J-Hope's problem - in the future it is shown a few times that J-Hope has motion sickness.