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The Beach Rangers PMC take atrocious casualties as they use zodiacs to do an opposed landing on an open beach during daylight. It's been speculated that the Beach Rangers are actually more a snuff film studio than a PMC as their extensive use of cloning and suicide tactics seem to have more to do with getting their own assets killed than actually winning battles. Perhaps someone should tell their new recruits that...


Beach Rangers are the original creation of REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED. You can see more art of them by the amazing Fuuby on Pixiv here; https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12478081




Well if they are clones, then they can be indoctrinated not to feel any reluctance at signing up for the Beach Rangers PMC!


One way or another the PMC will make money

Agent Tygress

Sure! But where's the fun in that? Let them keep their jitters. They die so much cuter that way.


You've also got to love what you do. I know I love your work