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Kendrick screamed in her mask as she was enveloped in fire. Still ablaze, and knowing herself now to be doomed, she stood up, abandoning her cover, with hissing toxic filth dripping from the combat suit now melting to her tender scalded flesh and, as her sisters-in-arms watched in grim horror, the immolated, terribly wounded CAT Squad soldier marched to her death, spraying bullets before her. This time, she hit Kane’s fuel tank and it exploded and ignited. The Sewer Rat was horrifyingly burned, fell and writhed on the ground in sheer agony, until her commander Deanna put a merciful bullet through her head.

Kendrick meanwhile was still standing, still on fire and still firing. And still screaming. She hit a further four Sewer Rats, although not Deanna and not Bates with the other flamethrower. She was hit multiple times, as the fire started to go out. Blood spurted from her multiple wounds and she sank to her knees, throwing her gun to one side as she ran out of ammo, peeling off her mask to reveal a beautiful, sweaty, filthy and bloody young face - and she threw her arms out to her sides in a terrible mockery of crucifixion. Kendrick choked on the poisoned air, vomited blood, was hit several more times - and Bates immolated her again with the other flamethrower. Kendrick howled, but at least she presented a clear target for her own superior officer. Jenna did her duty, took aim and shot Kendrick dead. Far too little, far too late - the CAT Squad soldier girl had done her duty superbly, and had deserved an easier death.


Images by yours truly. Text by Bobhen. Check out his page on DA for more of this story https://www.deviantart.com/bobhen42/gallery , and yeah, it's gonna get messy. 








@Tygress have you ever thought of sharing your own stories here?

Agent Tygress

Honestly I've not written that much and everything I HAVE written is still up on my DA. You can find it all here; https://www.deviantart.com/666markofthebeast666/gallery/61776715/literature