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I'm sure you lot are all familiar with my Sturmfrau creation; https://www.patreon.com/posts/62830984

Well while the Sturmfrau are busy getting their pictures taken for the VALHALLAN war press the Panzerfrau are on the ground getting the job done. They may not be as flashy as their flying cousins but with their thick armour and shields, and integrated armored elements they are the true fist of the VALHALLAN advance. Lots of concept images, some tech sheets, and general fun. Enjoy, and do let me know what you think. Suggestions gratefully considered! 



Take me to THE GATES OF VALHALLA (The hub of all things VALHALLAN)

Light listening for your consideration; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s7_WbiR79E




Interesting! Not as stylish true, but these big, powerful soldiers don't need flash and colors to get their message across. Your design is top drawer as always!


Awesome look - love these girls. Really like the heavy armour look and you really wouldn't choose to pick a fight with them!

Agent Tygress

Just wait until I start writing about thier tactics using combined arms with tank / apcs and flamethrowers :D