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I need to include a character in a story. I'm not sure who to use and was wondering if you lot had any suggestions. Please include a LINK the the character you'd like me to use! If someone else makes a suggestion you like just vote for it by voting in the comments section saying something like; "I second so-and-so's suggestion that you use X character..." Please let me know quickly, I'm working on this project now. Thank you!



OK. The poll has ended. I got all the feedback I needed and need to get on with the project. Thank you SO much to everyone who participated. I simply love getting feedback and feel better about my work when it's created in collaboration. In the end it was Samster and HK11 who cast the winning votes since they were the only two that voted for the same thing, and becasue of the way I apportion more votes to people who give me more money (just like any true democracy). Therefore it'll be my version of Alex Zedra who will appear in the upcoming story! https://www.deviantart.com/666markofthebeast666/art/Screaming-Ladybugs-Jupiter-2nd-June-2089-828314323




