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"Welcome to season six, episode ten, of your favourite deathsport LIVE / DIE!"

"We're broadcasting to you live from an undisclosed island off the coast of China. This tiny, semitropical island once hosted a burgeoning metropolis, but after corrupt government officials embezzled everything that the people here had the city collapsed and left us with a perfect battleground in extraterritorial waters!"

"That's right, the only law on this island is the kind that flows from the barrel of a gun, and if you want to stay alive you'd better be prepared to kill. Of course killing isn't the only thing that happens in our little paradise. In fact all the action is driven by you, our loyal viewers! It's time to open up your cryptocurrency wallets and get ready to start bidding because every $50 US you put down for a competitor to do something also gets you one vote for one competitor to LIVE or DIE!"

"Bidding opportunities will start ten minutes before the match and continue for the full twelve hours or until all the competitors are dead. Once they're dead you can't vote so make sure you bid early and often! Remember, you can bid for a competitor to do anything you like, and if someone else has already bid on the same action, your bid will join theirs and make it even more irresistible. Naturally competitors don't have to accept your bids, but the more you offer them, the better the chances are you'll get what you want, and of course if a contestant is too stuck up to do anything that's bid for it might just be time to start voting for them to die. I love explaining the rules of this game; they never fail to make me wet. Now without further ado let's meet our contestants!"


I hope it's not too wordy, but exposition is hard! I'm really going to use voting for this series. Starting with; Who would you like to see in it? I'm not sure how many competitors I'll create, you can see I've done four already with a variety of different looks for most of them. Throw your votes up in the comments section. In case it wasn't clear the whole thing about voting / bidding costing money is part of the story, voting is free for all of you, my darlings (though I'm not above a bit of bribery if you REALLY want to have things your way.)

In addition to voting on contestants I'd very much like to know what you lot think og this new series, and before you ask; don't worry, I WILL finish Duel. 



P.S. Make sure you look at all of the images, darlings, there are lots of them!

LIVE / DIE continues! Here's the first update; https://www.patreon.com/posts/57186691

Also; Turtle's Best Nightmare is part of the LIVE / DIE universe. It starts here; https://www.patreon.com/posts/57490545




Let the games begin... can't even tell how exited I am, Eva! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Since I'm extremely satisfied with the competitors already choosen, if it's possible I would vote for all of them, darling! 😊


Wow this is huge. Love all of it! 😍😍😍😍😍