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A few ran to the aid of the bullet-ridden women, but there wasn't much that could be done. They were just unlucky collateral damage at this point.

As it turned out, Angelique's most recent assassination had been the son of a wealthy asteroid miner. This man didn't take kindly to the murder of his son, and he had the resources to respond. In years past, a Belter wouldn't have dared put a hit on an Imperial soldier, let alone an Elite Guard, but times were changing. Weakened by its decades-long war with the Martian rebels, the Empire was showing some cracks. Their authority was being tested.

Angelique walked calmly through the corridor, but danger lurked from above.

The hitwoman, named Arabella, had intentionally lured Angelique into this building. It was a roundabout method of killing, for sure, but one couldn't simply shoot an Elite Guard in the middle of a busy street, unless they had a death wish. Arabella planned on enjoying her winnings from this hit. Killing Angelique here, in the middle of this vacant building, gave her a much better chance of making it off the planet.

"Come out, I know you're here," said Angelique. "I won't hurt you, just want the weapon back."

This was of course a lie. She fully planned on putting a bullet in between this girl's eyes. But little did she know, she wasn't the hunter here. Angelique was the one being hunted.

Arabella lowered herself quietly from the ceiling, as Angelique stood there confidently, oblivious to the danger. Angelique looked very athletic in her shiny skin-tight outfit. She was probably a good fighter, Arabella surmised, so she would need to make this kill quick.

Arabella swung down from above, with the lightsaber in her right hand, ready to strike.

Angelique pondered her next move. Where could that bitch be? she thought. She was still fully confident she'd find the girl though, and was blissfully unaware of her own impending doom.

NEXT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/belter-justice-70034704

PREVIOUS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/belter-justice-6-48816237




Did this series ever get finished?

Agent Tygress

The whole series IS here on Patreon, though I'm noticing I didn't bloody link one to antoher when I first posted it. Daft. I'll get that sorted. Check back here in twenty minutes and I should have it done. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!