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After the mistress finished with them she sent them on to the launch bay to get suited up and deployed. On her way Monica was stopped by her two suit techs. The burly men leered at her, their eyes hidden beneath their medical HUD visors. 

"Hey, beautiful, you want to live, don't you?" The larger of the two men asked, standing so close to the young trooper that she could smell the rum on his breath. 

"Of course," she frowned, taken aback by the question. 

"Oh good," the man chuckled, "I told him you did." He nodded at his companion, the other man grinning from ear to ear, his teeth white and sharp. "He said he thought you birds were all suicidal, but I'm glad you want to live."

"Um... Great?" Monica's brows knotted. She was confused, and didn't like where this was going. 

"Yeah, it works out for us because we've got a proposition for you. Maybe you want to fuck us, huh?" He grinned. 

"You're taking the piss." Monica shook her head. "I don't even swing that way."

"Oh that doesn't matter." Said the smaller man, his dark skin contrasting beautifully with his white life-support shipsuit. Monica might even have considered indulging him if she were into men. 

"And why is that?" Monica growled, getting testy. 

"Well you know that you have a self-destruct system in that sexy little suit of yours, right?" The larger man asked in a way that was not really a question.


"And that it's not just something you control, right? We've got access too." He continued. 

Monica flushed and took a step back involuntarily, her high heels clicking loudly against the metal deck. 

"The commander has access too," he continued, "and so do we." His grin was decidedly nasty, now. A thin-lipped smear of cruelty in the middle of his pale face. 

"Yeah," the other man chimed in. "You wouldn't want us activating it accidentally, would you? Be a shame to waste such a beautiful body..." He caressed her shoulder and she shrank back further from him. 

"Fuck you," she sneered reflexively, though her legs were shaking. 

"Aww, baby," the bigger man chided, wrapping one meaty hand around her lithely muscular arm. "That's no way to treat the guys who have your life in their hands. We might think you don't like us. We're just saying it'd be a shame if your gorgeous body were to, say, blow up in the middle of your mission..."

"Or your life support system were to fail," the other man chimed in.  

"Yeah," the first continued. "A hell of a way to die, that. You don't want to die that way, do you?" He reached for her and she found herself bolted to the spot, not stepping away, or even batting his head aside. She started to cry...


So glad to be continuing with this series. You can find more installments here; 








P.S. If you fancy those suit tech blokes you might check out my other Patreon dedicated to gorgeous blokes! https://www.patreon.com/expendablebattleboys

NEXT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47481704

PREVIOUS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45272495
