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Time (past time, really) for the monthly poll, my darlings! As you know I went a BIT overboard giving you images from the last winner of the poll, Face Hugger, delivering 33 images in what was essentially a small comic book! I'm quite proud of it for various reasons, and not only because of the sheer volume of images but because of a variety of new techniques I employed to create them. I hope you enjoyed it immensely! And now, on to this month's subject; WHO DIES NEXT?

By now you're all familiar with the format. I'll post some suggested characters to meet their unfortunate end below and you lot should feel free to not only vote but, if you like, to also write suggestions for METHODS of death into the comments section. Also, if you don't see any options you want to vote for please feel free to write in your own in the comments section but you MUST include a link to the bird you want killed in the comment otherwise I won't consider it. Any valid requests WILL be included in the second and final round of polling, so this is a chance for you to let your imaginations run wild. 

I'm gonna try something new this month and say that the second (and final) round of this poll will include the top THREE vote-getters from the list below PLUS any and all write-ins THAT INCLUDE A LINK. Feel free to link to anything - it doesn't have to be my work. Also remember that the actual girls to take part will be determined in a separate follow up poll. This one is more about uniforms and situations, though the girls depicted may well be the final participants, depending on voting. 

Without further ado; WHO DIES NEXT?



Go brave pilots go!


Yes some vacuum deaths or life support system failures would be great in space pirates.

Agent Tygress

I'm afraid it was actually Space Pirates that won this round, darling, but there's still one more!