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Ghita stepped forward, intending to bend down and retrieve Tarot's sword, but then a terrible chill coursed through her bones and her well-honed warrior instincts took over and she paused, holding her blade defensively before her body. 

It didn't matter. The thing, whatever it was, materialized out of empty air in an instant, inside her guard, and was plunging a sword into her chest before she could move a muscle. It all unfolded in terrible slow motion. She felt the point enter her body, punch through her breastbone and impale her heart. She felt the movement of ensorcelled metal rasping against her soft flesh. She felt her heart explode and the terrible sense of nothingness that followed. Felt the scream being torn out of her throat, and then...

NEXT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44657553

PREVIOUS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/in-chamber-of-8-44607332




Awesome! Eva - your imagination knows no bounds!