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Right, darlings! This is the LAST day for you to vote on the November Poll to determine what will make it into the final round. Here's the poll; https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-poll-44426786

For those of you wondering how it's going so far here are my observations; 

1. First off we only have 50% participation in the polls. This is fine as far as I'm concerned, darlings. You can vote or not vote as you please, and if you don't vote it's less work for me, but you're paying for the privilege of directing my work whether you use it or not, so you may as well do!

2. So far Brave Pilots, Face Hugger, Rollerskate Assassins, and Sith Apprentices are all making it to the final round. Unless Kitty + Bunny get quite a few votes they won't be advancing, but they're new enough that they'll no doubt appear in a future poll like this (unless someone simply commissions me to do a series with them, in which case there's no need for them to as they'll get to die without having to win the monthly contest!)

3. Absolutely no-one has written in any suggestions. Again, this is fine, but remember that any write in automatically advances!

4. For those of you confused about why Sith Apprentices is advancing with "only" one vote, and thinking that my standard for advancement to the final round is quite low, it's not. The standard for advancement is five votes, and as the patron that voted for it is one of my most loyal, long-standing patrons AND an Officer, their five votes are enough to advance the lovely Sith girls. This may be a democracy, but like any true democracy you get as much representation as you're willing / able to pay for XD

5. I adore you, my darlings! Kisses!




Actually I wrote in a suggestion, Eva, but perhaps we should keep the conversation out of patreon in case...

Agent Tygress

Feel free to contact me wherever you like, darling, though I don't know in case what. The point is, though, no-one has yet VOTED for other, which is the only thing that will advance something off the poll to the next roudn.


Ah sorry, yes mine was for one of the existing ones as you probably remember.


I saw this and voted for Other 😁