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Time for the poll again, my darlings! Last month we decided that we needed more dying Bioroid babes and I did this series for you lot; https://www.patreon.com/posts/43621574

I know that some of the options on that poll were things that people were quite looking forward to, so I'm including the finalists from the last poll on this one as well, and you can always write in your choice. If you DO want to see something I've not included in this poll just vote for OTHER and then write your choice in the comments section. Anything that gets written in this way will AUTOMATICALLY make it to the final elimination round (so that poll might have more options than a ballot!). 

Right, that's it. Vote soon because this poll will close in just a few days, and remember that splitting your vote is possible but don't vote for everything because then your vote will be evenly distributed to everything you vote for and won't count. 

Now, my demented darlings, who shall we kill horribly next?



I volunteer for a suicide mission!


OTHER: Bring back the Space Pirates ☠ https://www.deviantart.com/666markofthebeast666/art/Corridor-Fight-750007144



