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"Now, my astromech unit here is going to ask you a few questions..."

"You can't do this! Jedi are supposed to be good!"

"See, that's part of your problem right there. I'm not a Jedi. You lot killed my master so I'll probably never be one. I'm just a padawan. And anyway I'm not doing it, my R2 unit is."

"No! Please don't!" 

"Look... you don't HAVE to let R2 have it's way with you. You're free to jump."

"Into the lava?!" 

"Well, yeah, but the point is; you have a choice." 

"What kind of a choice is that? Why does your astromech droid even have those things!?"

"That's on you lot as well. Since you killed my master I get lonely on long hyperspace jumps..."




cant imagime this images were made 3 years before. so high quility !


is there a continuation of this story?