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The team landed under heavy fire, seven hours late after the sun had already come up. They went in anyway, charging into the teeth of enemy machineguns. Their training made it possible for them to put up a fierce fight, and many defenders died in a brief but furious exchange of bullets. It didn't matter. Within seconds of their boots boots hitting sand all the CIA Commandos were dead. They died bravely for an objective they'd been told was a matter of global security. 

It was a lie, of course. The whole thing had been a test to see if the training would work. Would the new commando training program produce warriors willing to charge into certain death if they believed their country needed them to? As it turned out, it would. 

An extra large version of an image posted over on DA 




The enemies are also just as tightly wrapped and delicious like the operatives. 😋


Beach Landing - another supremely well-executed lesson in futility :D

Agent Tygress

Of course! Why have female suicide troopers if they can't strut around in sexy packaging until they die?