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I thought I'd just post this little message at the end of one of my longest ever series. As some of my longtime followers know I don't tend to finish things. It's one of my least obnoxious habits, really, but I honestly don't know if anyone cares. If there is a series I've started in the past then never finished and you'd really like to see it concluded I hope you'll let me know. 

Some other housekeeping things; I'm working on another series right now, called Safari, which I hope to wrap up quite soon. With Kites complete I DO have room in my schedule to take on other things, however, so if you want a commission I hope you'll contact me. Also; I don't know if I've made this perfectly clear but supporting me at the Commader level gets you a free commission every month so if you want TOTAL control over my work this is a great way to get bespoke art from me at a discount as my normal commission pricing is higher than this. 

Finally, I'm going to do another poll and hope that you'll all participate! I love my art being guided by my viewers... there's something about being bossed about that I find quite deeply fulfilling. purr purr purr

Thank you all for your support!





I'd love to put a commission or two your way, Eva, but I just don't have any spare cash at the moment to do so. Sorry :-(