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"Electro-daggers at the ready, bitches!" Squad Commander Kira chirped, "and form a nice line for me." 

The pretty young officer inspected her troops, each of them with perky little nipples barely concealed by the clear nano-infused latex of their uniforms. It promised to be a fun afternoon, the newly discovered world of Miri Q994 had a lush tropical climate and that meant plenty of opportunities to get hot and sweaty 'exploring' while their ship did the real survey work. There was actually no reason for them to be there at all, but who would want to pass up the chance of so much good, honest fun? 

"Mmm, these new gloves are just divine, Commander," Private Mary simpered, stretching out a hand and admiring herself as their recon drone hovered in front of the group snapping crisp ultra-definition selfies. The subtly sculpted panels concealed a musclemesh layer that lightly enhanced their strength, not that they anticipated using that for anything other than a spot of gentle mutual strangling. 

The others chorused their approval, the new season's uniform blazed a trail towards the risque, but the most important thing was that they all looked - and felt - fabulous in them. Being a member of Fashion Command, out there on the sartorial frontline, was quite a privilege not least for the admiring glances - not to mention digits - the girls picked up from civilians during their frequent victory parades. The definition of victory these days was of course such a low bar that merely turning up to the parade counted.

"No time to self-obsess too much," Kira reminded them. "Our bird is ready to ship us in, oh and the dropship is ready too!" Their pilot, Lana, groaned inwardly. She found the attitudes of these nubile playthings a little trying at times, proud as she was of the actual skill still required to fly an atmospheric insertion. 

Not that it particularly mattered, she was at least going to enjoy a quieter trip back. Her sealed orders had proved most illuminating, and although she was apprehensive about the coming conflict her superiors were desperately trying to keep quiet, she felt more than a little arousal at the prospect of reviewing the mission footage in the comfort of her quarters later on. 

What Cmdr Kira and her girls didn't know was that their exploratory romp would take them directly into the lair of a new class of experimental bioweapon. In some ways it was unfair test; the squad were so useless at being soldiers that it would barely be a challenge for the weapon at all. But the Lana knew they would all draw brief, if final, pleasure from the size of its tentacles as it pushed them in deep wherever they would fit, wrapped them around limbs and throats and squezed the life from them. And their pleasure would then become her pleasure once the footage was retrieved from their drone. 

And then she had two more drops scheduled for tomorrow. What a wonderful job this was!


You can see more of these birds at my DA site here; 




P.S. Any requests for these sluts?




All to be eaten slowly....


Such a cuties! Monsters will have a lot of fun with them! ;))