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Oh my HEART you incredible Patrons,

You have *once again* sold out the QUASAR tier and I am still trying to process the gratitude. Thank you ALL for supporting me in whatever way serves you, at whatever level works for you. I am so incredibly grateful to every single one of you for making this platform a place that makes me feel both creatively motivated and so supported. 

QUASAR members, I am amazed that you even exist and question if this is real life. I'm working on something special for us so please keep your eye out for exclusive posts on this page because you have a little something VIP coming your way *scheme-y grins*

Also, for all Patrons, you all have access to a direct messaging tool here on Patreon. If you've never used it before you likely have a welcome message from me when you first joined and / or a thank you when you upgrade tiers! You can find a great article from Patreon about accessing it on web or mobile here.  This is really the only spot that I'm able to keep an eye on Direct messages of any kind since whispers, discord or insta/twitter dms are not something I check or stay on top of. If ever you have questions, that's the best spot to reach me OR if you have a tier with discord access, the Patrons-Only channel on the ArtinJest discord. That's also where we host hang outs and workshops just for Patrons! 

Friends, I am so excited for the projects in the works for 2024, and I'm so lucky to have this community making it all possible. Thank you for being here friends. You're amazing. 




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