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Loveliest Patrons,

December is such a strange time of year. It's full of major holidays and gatherings, and all the complexity of joy and grief and delight and stress and magic and challenge that you can pack into one month. 

The weather where I am turns to winter-in-earnest and the shorter days send all kinds of hibernation signals. This coincides with the time that all the holiday gatherings and gift exchanges and various traditions and two sides of family dinners and such start jockeying for space in the calendar and in the brain.

It's wonderful.

And challenging.

And exhilarating.

And exhausting.

I wouldn't change it for the world but ALSO I think a lot about how to manage my time and my energy this time of year. December can be a season of big feels for some of my nearest and dearest, and there's also always some faction of friends or family who might be grieving a loss or processing a change, or trying to find some peace when it can feel like the whole world has gift-wrapped one mandatory mood from now until New Years.

I made this reading chair series to offer an alternative that you can take whenever you like and that I sometimes  need to reminded of too. Pick a chair, a genre, a book, a moment, even a hot second in the bathroom of a family gathering. Take space whenever you can, if you can. 

Thank you for making it possible for me to take a breath Patrons. It means so much to have the space and I hope this series lets me give a little bit of that peacefulness back to you. You're amazing and I'm lucky to know you.





I love these so much!!! They remind me of this chair that used to be in my grandparents house, that I now have. My dad would sink down into it and pretend to sleep when the bustle of a holiday gathering got to be too much for him. And later, I would do the same, or get lost in a book. And when I was ten, it's the chair I sat in practicing the crochet lesson my grandmother had just given me. It was always a sanctuary, that chair. ❤️


Ahhh that makes me so happy. That’s exactly the kind of cozy nook I was imagining 💜


Big Bless Brenda. 💖