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Beautiful Patrons,

November is one of those months that can draaaggggg on in my city. It can get grey and rainy and cold without being COLD cold and everything feels overcast. For some reason this always sends me looking for brighter, warmer, sweeter inspiration and I went down a rabbit hole of Highland Cows as a result. These splendid creatures look like they have an enviable haircare routine and I had to draw them. If it's going to be drizzly and cold out then I shall make the most sweetly-sunshine-style screens savers I can!

I hope you enjoy these November downloads to grace your screens and add some cutie moos to your day. As always, if you need an image sized for another device just let me know and we'll make it happen. It is such a joy to get to sketch my imaginings and share them with you all. The number of tangents I've taken that turned into art pieces is unreal and it is all because of you wonderful Patrons.

Happy November you magical friends. Be well. 




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