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Hello lovely Patrons,

I wanted to share this project here before putting it out on socials. I was asked by a family member if I could paint on this saw that belonged to their grandfather and was worn in that way that turns tools into artifacts. They wanted a portrait of their childhood home and I thought I'd share how it turned out. Many of you know house portraits are something I've done a fair bit, but painting on a saw was brand new to me!

This project was a reminder of how much you get to be a memory holder as an artist. One of my favourite things that art can do is remember. We often talk about paintings or art pieces as "commemorating" something important and I think a lot about that idea. To commemorate..co-memory - to share the holding of something we'd like to remember.

It was a lovely thing indeed to hold this memory and put it somewhere for safekeeping. Thank you lovely patrons, for making it possible for me to take time and sit with something someone wants to remember and it's such a joy to share the outcome with you.

Happy Monday friends.





This is such a wonderful piece, so wholesome and makes me have so many feels. I can only imagine how much this met to them. It reminds me of my Grandparents and the little things I have to remind me of them. A pretty little milk jug, a handcrafted wooden cuckoo clock.


This is so inspiring to see! This reminds me a bit of something a friend of mine showed me once, he had made such a nice coloured drawing of his sister's dog, in memory of her belowed pet that had recently passed away. Making a beautiful piece of art like that for someone, to help remind them of something that they loved, much like you did on that saw for your family member with a very nice painting of their childhood home... it gives it such a nice and personal touch.